異國婚禮 Neeraj (indian) + Bere (Mexican) @ 20120111 IN Delhi




♫•*¨* ♥ Happy ♪¸¸.•*¨FOREVER*•♫•.¸¸
Neeraj and Bere, Dear my friends!
Happy wedding to you !
Wishing you always happy, health and love forever!!..
Come for Honeymoon to Taiwan and Looking forward to see you again.


2009 Hsinchu Neiwan


↑↓ 2009 Alishan



Center for Traditional Arts




Ladies and Gentleman, let's welcome the new couple…………


Christ Methodist Church , 1 butler road , Delhi, India



倆位朋友篤信基督教  故婚禮於教堂舉行


Christ Methodist Church , 1 butler road , Delhi , India


雖無法親自到場獻上祝福  但在台灣的我  真的很替倆位感到開心+欣慰


終於結婚了♫•*¨* ♥ ♪¸¸.•*¨*•♫•.¸¸


I would convey my deep congratulations for both of you!


Wish u all always love each other forever.






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